Max Green
Echo Park based songwriter, Max Green, crafts lyrical melodic gems to dance over free-standing works from a tasteful selection of ear-catching artists. “In my experience, I’ve found that my best work is written when I’m presented with something that I instantly vibe with. I’ve noticed that the more natural the process is, the better things turn out.” His solo endeavor is collaborative in nature as his works have spread globally through toplines made with producers all over the world including this year's releases with labels Ultra Music, Sidekick Music, & Armada Music . Green's lyricism touches on topics of existentialism, self-identity, romance, and heartbreak, written over the works of creatives ranging from genres of Indie, to Dance, & LoFi Hip Hop.

Recent Press:
- Holow x Max Green Chemicals - DJ Mag France
- Indie Shuffle Chemicals Feature: - Indie Shuffle
- EDM Identity 'OOTW' Artist Mix Feature - EDM Identity
- AsleepInStormyWeather by Max Green x URCHN - Notion
Spotify Editorial Playlist Features:
- New Music Friday: France
- Fresh Finds
- Metropolis
- Fresh Touch
- 'Fit Check

Green also keeps a collection of Available Topline stems if producers wish to start by working off of vocal stems. Feel free to download stems at this Google Drive Folder here.